Cryptobiotic Dirtbags

Boris McCutcheon Jeff Berlin Steve Mayone

After the McCutcheon family uprooted from their modest off the grid bad roads situation and relocated to Albuquerque for new career purposes for Laura “her turn to shine“, we used to go out to Ojito Mesa with the kids and explore for entire day at a time. I swear to the crypto gods that we found an entire skeleton of a dinosaur once, and couldn’t

After the McCutcheon family uprooted from their modest off the grid bad roads situation and relocated to Albuquerque for new career purposes for Laura “her turn to shine“, we used to go out to Ojito Mesa with the kids and explore for entire day at a time. I swear to the crypto gods that we found an entire skeleton of a dinosaur once, and couldn’t relocate it later. The kids used to step on the crypto bio crust, and Laura would chide them for not being more careful . We would walk sometimes for a mile to avoid the bio crust, ”don’t bust the crust!”, she was the “Protector of the Cryptobiotic dirt“ I wrote the song as a joke while we were going around a big patch of Cryptobiotic dirt. Later the song stuck in the car on the way home. It was the first song I recorded on a DAW (on my own) with a decent vocal microphone that I bought a Grandma‘s music in Albuquerque. I believe I recorded the guitar and vocals into the one mic. I sent the files to Chris McGandy to play pedal steel. He sent me back what I call “porn steel”. The song was put on ice for many years until it was rediscovered by little Feebo, Jeff Berlin, the greatest drummer on earth and short dog, Steve Mayone, the greatest guitarist/producer on earth. Jeff recorded his drums with two overheads. Steve added a Credence flare with his electric guitar. It reminds me of the “loose” sounding rock band in that played on the porch in the movie “Sling Blade.”

And remember kids..”Don’t bust the crust!”

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